Alkaline water stick in a glass

Alkaline water stick in a glass

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Alkaline water stick in a glass to create alkaline water. More

Manufacturer: Yalong Trade Product code: 955 Shipping and Payment

13,90 € incl. VAT
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(84 ks in stock)

Alkaline water stick in a glass to create alkaline water. More

Manufacturer: Yalong Trade Product code: 955 Shipping and Payment

Alkaline energy bar

The rod is used to adjust water from acidic to alkaline.


Height IS 146mm x diameter 17mm.

Casing: stainless steel.

The use

Fill the bottle halfway with water, insert the stick, shake for 30 seconds and pour. It is the process of washing the minerals through your water. You repeat 2 more times. Then fill, shake for 30 seconds and let stand for 15-20 minutes. One stick is enough to activate 0.5 l of water. It can be used every time for half a liter of water, it will last you half a year to a year. Use more sticks to get stronger water.

Measuring stick
Inlet water pH7.89, ORP +78mV.
Measurement after an hour pH8.23, ORP+78mV.
Measurement after 24 hours pH 8.8, ORP +3mV